Charter Management




Welcome to our website dedicated to the charter management of motor yachts!

As experts in the nautical tourism industry, we offer services for the management and rental of motor yachts to owners in Croatia. Our goal is to assist yacht owners in maximizing the full potential of their vessels through professional management and competent administration.

How does our charter management service work?

When owners decide to offer their motor yachts for rental, we take responsibility for all associated aspects. Our team with years of experience takes care of all areas of charter management - from marketing promotion and bookings to technical support and maintenance of the vessels.

Our aim is to provide owners with peaceful nights and maximum profit from their investment, while guaranteeing guests an unforgettable holiday on the highest quality yachts in the Adriatic. With our experienced team, you can rest assured that your yacht is in the best hands.

If you are a yacht owner considering involvement in charter management, please contact us. We are happy to provide you with all the necessary information and work with you to find the best solution for your needs.

We look forward to hearing from you and to a potential future collaboration!



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